A Geographical Information System (GIS) is the marriage of a drawing software like (Illustrator/Inkscape, Photoshop/Gimp) and database software like (Access, Orcale, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, …).

marriage of database and drawing software

A GIS allows among others:

  • to open/create geographical data (data with geographical reference)
  • to process data geometry (points, lines, polygons): add, remove, clean, …
  • to process data attributes (tabular data associated with a polygon for instance -country name, population, area, …- similar as an Excel file)
  • to process raster data (satellite imagery, digital elevation models, …)
  • to overlay several geographical layers on a same view (roads, rivers, landuse, administrative boundaries, …)

overlaying layers

  • to analyse data by querying the dataset and answering questions like:

    • What is the shortest path to reach city A from city B?
    • What is the area of lake B included in county C?
    • etc …
  • to create maps

  • to create thematic analysis. For instance drawing circle whose diameter is proportional to population of cities.

  • to access external/online dataset

  • and many other intersting things


03 January 2001
